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🚀 Installation

Homarr can be installed trough 3 different methods. For most users, the installation using Docker will be sufficient and the easiest.

🐋 Installation using Docker

Docker is a free Software that isolates Homarr using containers. Using Docker, you can run Homarr on any supported plattform (including Windows and Raspberry Pi), without running any installers or linux knowledge.

Initial Installation

To add the Homarr container via Docker, simply run the following command in your terminal.

docker run  \
--name homarr \
--restart unless-stopped \
-p 7575:7575 \
-v <your-path>/homarr/configs:/app/data/configs \
-v <your-path>/homarr/icons:/app/public/icons \

Docker will mount the configuration files and icons to your host machine. Please make sure to replace <your-path> from the docker run command with your desired storage location. The path must be absolute.

Updating Homarr

To update Homarr, you must remove your container first. Make sure that you've mounted your data and that you have access to it, so your configuration doesn't get lost.

Run docker rm homarr to remove the container. Then, update the Homarr image (requires network connection): docker pull After that, run the same command as before when you installed Homarr.

This process can get tideous, if you update frequently. Thus, we recommend the installation using docker-compose for more experienced users.

🐋 Installation using Docker Compose or Portainer

For advanced users, we recommend installation using docker-compose or Portainer.

version: '3'
# Homarr - A homepage for your server. #
container_name: homarr
restart: unless-stopped
- ./homarr/configs:/app/data/configs
- ./homarr/icons:/app/public/icons
- '7575:7575'

If you're not using Portainer, you can start the service using docker-compose up -d in the same directory.

🛒 Install from the Unraid Community App Store

You can install Unraid without docker run and docker-compose, directly from your Unraid Web Dashboard.

Install the Comunity Apps Plugin

First, you need to install the Community Apps Plugin, if you haven't already done so.

Open Installation Guide


If you're unsure whether you have the plugin installed or not, search for this tab in the navigation:

Install Homarr from the Community Apps

Next, click on Apps, wait until the page has fully loaded and then search for Homarr in the search box.

Click on Install and adjust the settings to your liking. After you click submit, Unraid will automatically start the installation. You can find Homarr under the tab "Docker" afterwards.

💻 Building from source


Installing from source is not recommended, if you don't know what you're doing and/or are not planning to make changes to the source code, please install Homarr using Docker.

  • Clone the Repository using git clone
  • Enter the created directory using cd homarr
  • Install all dependencies using yarn install
  • Build the source using yarn build
  • Start the NextJS web server using yarn start

Troubleshooting your Installation

If you are having trouble getting Homarr to install properly on your system, check out our FAQ page. When you are still not able to get Homarr up and running, contact us on our official Discord